Monday, July 27, 2009


Cede - Had dinner with my folks just now and this was the main dish. Claypot fishead with assorted stuff inside. Something about older generation Teochews especially those in my family is that they seem to have an affinity with yam. Additional request for more yam is always a must either to add more flavour or just for the yam. Guess yam is something like potatoes or a form of staple food like rice for them. As this was a shared dish, there was a time when you could only find a few pieces of vegetables, meat or yam left. Subsequently I took the last few remaining yam and place them in my father's bowl without any hesitation. That act evoked some sort of emotions or memory in me. It felt like the tables were turned as when I was young, my folks would constantly fill up my bowl for me to eat conveniently but now guess with more maturity, comes the natural act of giving the best for them instead. It also prompted the question of when was the last time one would do such a thing during a meal for your folks? Is this what you call 孔融让梨? Might seem trivial but it was rather thought provoking for me. Not sure whether is that considered as filial piety but I guess its a subtle way of expressing it in a dining experience. Dinner was later concluded by a couple of catching up chats over beer.

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