Saturday, September 1, 2007

Overtime @ Cloud 9

Sorry about the late entry because I met with some technical problems with my computer, monitor went down on friday and I had to go get a new Monitor just now. So now I'm chilling the net with a SAMSUNG wide screen monitor at SGD $279. Not going to intro the monitor to you guys as its too common nowadays and you can get yours now at Comex. Anyway back to my main topic, I had to do overtime at camp this past week and its been unbearable. But friday's overtime was pretty enjoyable as I managed to resolve some past conflicts in camp and it sure felt good. I hope it stays this way till I get my pink IC haha. After my hard long day in camp, I actually went to watch 歌台 near my house at Bishan Street 22. My parents were there too and boy was it the first time I watched 歌台 with them. One of the lead actress of the movie 881 was present to perform and she really rocked the crowd with her jokes and dance moves haha. After the night performance, I chilled out with my parents at the near-by hawker centre with some Tiger Beer. To be honest, it was also the first time I drank beer with my parents and you might say WOW! you drink alcohol with your parents? Yeah of course its the same as you drink red wine at after dinner just that instead of red wine I've had beer with them. Was a pretty cool experience, felt like a grown-up fast forward by the remote control. On the whole, it was a enjoyable friday night though I still hate doing overtime!

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