Monday, July 7, 2008

All that Jazz is good for Esther

Jazz - I love Jazz, its the kind of music that calms me down and makes me think occasionally. Glad to know that I have a friend who is on her path to become a Jazz musician. Introducing Esther my junior college choir senior (AJ choir peeps should know her) who gave up her stint in NUS Chemical Engineering to pursue her interest in Jazz music. I would say it wasn't an easy decision for her if you take into consideration the financial issues and future career opportunities but Esther is one of those who would rather pursue her interest than to follow what the government or your family would love you to do for you to earn big bucks (medical doctor, accountant, engineer). How many of us actually dare to take that extra step out? Checking out her gig at Esplanade last monday was really inspiring as she reminded me that sometimes its not all about the money but its about what you like doing that matters. Hopefully I will be able to do something similar in iD as to what Esther is doing now in Jazz.

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