Thursday, July 31, 2008

Money No Enough II Gala Movie Premiere

Movie Premiere - Thanks to omy that I managed to get two free tickets to catch the latest local production by Jack Neo. Hooked YA up for our first ever movie premiere and got to see some red carpet action. Tons of local celebrities (not really sure whether they are celebrities because I've never seen them on television before) and freebies (vouchers, drinks and magnets). Saw the film with a whole bunch of bloggers under omy blog awards. Wasn't on tip top form due to the fact that I squeezed in this slot in between RAG so I was a bit sleepy and restless. Fortunately, the movie was blessed with that unique local flavour to it. Love the ERP diss haha. Just in case you thought its a full blast comedy, its not all fun and laughter with some serious topics covered in terms of filial piety and materialism so I believe you should catch it with your family if you have the chance. With regards to the title, is money really enough? Well as long as you can live comfortably without any worries, I guess that's enough for me (being a millionaire is never a goal but a bonus).

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